The fewer the words, the better the prayer.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- The greatest talkers are the least doers.
- The greatest talkers are always the least doers.
- The loudest hummer is not the best bee.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Saepe minus faciunt homines, qui multa loquuntur. People who talk a lot often do less.
- Raro credatur homini, qui plurima fatur. A man who does most is seldom believed.
- Pauca loquaris, plurima fac. You talk a little, do a lot.
- Les grands diseurs ne sont pas les grands faiseurs. Great talkers are not great doers.
- Plus de bruit que de besogne. More noise than work.
- Le bien-faire vaut mieux que le bien-dire. Doing the right thing is better than saying the right thing.
- Les brebis qui bêlent le plus ne sont pas les meilleures. The sheep that bleat the most aren't the best.
- Grand parler n'est pas sans mensonge. Big talk is not without lies.
- Hühner, die viel gackern, legen wenig Eier. Chickens that cluck a lot lay few eggs.
- Kdo mnoho mluví, bud lže, nebo se chlubí. He who talks a lot is either lying or boasting.
- Hory slov a dílo s prachem lítá. Mountains of words and the work flies with dust.
- Kdo moc mluví, málo dělá. He who talks too much, does little.
- Mnoho řečí — a práce žádná. A lot of talk - and no work.
- Mluví — a ruce mu stojí. He speaks - and his hands are still.