Fine words butter no parsnips.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- Fair words butter no parsnips.
- Bare words buy no barley.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Dicere non est facere. To say is not to do.
- Sunt facta verbis difficiliora. There are facts more difficult to put into words.
- Ne verba pro farina. Don't use words for food.
- Ubi factis opus est, non sufficiunt verba. Where deeds are needed, words are not enough.
- Faire plus de bruit que de besogne. More noise than work.
- Belles paroles ne font pas bouillir la marmite. Fine words don't boil the pot.
- Schöne Worte geben keine fette Suppe. Fine words do not give a fat soup.
- Schöne Worte machen das Kraut nicht fett. Fancy words don't cut the mustard.
- Moc řečí — a skutek utek. Too much talk - and the deed is done.
- Mnoho řeči, málo skutku. Much talk, little action.
- Mnoho řečí, málo věcí. Lots of talk, few things.