To ask pears of an elm tree.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
- Colubra restem non parit. The snake does not give birth to the rest.
- Dat pullos tales, qualis dignoscitur ales. He gives such chicks as are known as wings.
- D'un sac à charbon il ne saurait sortir blanche farine. You can't get white flour out of a coal sack.
- Wie der Vogel, so das Ei. Like bird, like egg.
- Von Dornen liest man keine Trauben. You don't pick grapes from thorns.
- Co se z kočky narodí, nebude než myši chytati. That which is born of a cat shall not catch but mice.
- Co kočka rodí, to myši loví. What the cat gives birth, the mice hunt.
- Jest z vlčího hnízda, nebude než vlk. He's from the wolf's nest, he'll be nothing but a wolf.