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English proverbs
A Wild goose never laid a tame egg.
A Wild goose never laid a tame egg.
Proverbs on a similar topic
Like father, like son.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
We may not expect a good whelp from an ill dog.
Eagles do not breed doves.
The father a saint, the son a devil.
To ask pears of an elm tree.
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Plant the crab-tree where you Will, it will never bear pippins.
Similar proverbs in another language
E squilla non nascitur rosa.
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A rose does not grow from a shrimp.
L'ormeau ne peut donner des poires.
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Abalone cannot produce pears.
Disteln tragen keine Trauben.
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Thistles do not bear grapes.
Disteln tragen keine Feigen.
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Thistles do not bear figs.
Na dubě nerostou než žaludy.
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Nothing grows on an oak but acorns.
Z žaludu nebude než dub.
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The acorn will be nothing but oak.