He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
Dulcia non meruit, qui non gustavit amara.
He who has not tasted the bitter has not deserved the sweet.
Necesse est facere sumptum, qui quaerit lucrum.
It is necessary to make a cost, who seeks a profit.
Spinam timet quicunque, non carpet rosam.
Whoever fears the thorn will not pick the rose.
Veux-tu des oeufs, souffre le caquetage des poules.
If you want eggs, suffer the cackling of the hens.
Der Hühner Gackern leidet man um der Eier willen.
One suffers the cackle of the hens for the sake of the eggs.
Nepozná sladké, kdo neokusil hořké.
He knows not the sweet who has not tasted the bitter.
Kdo chce do manželství vlézt, musí také něco snést.
Those who want to enter into marriage must also endure something.