Everything comes to him who waits.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- With time and art the leaf of the mulberry-tree becomes satin.
- No remedy but patience.
- Patient men win the day.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est. All luck is to be overcome by striking.
- Patientia vincit omnia. Patience conquers all.
- Patientia colligit rosas, sed raro copiosas. Patience gathers roses, but rarely in abundance.
- Patientia colligit rosas. Patience gathers roses.
- Domitrix omnium patientia. Patience of all homemakers.
- Avec du temps et de la patience on vient à bout de tout. With time and patience, you can overcome anything.
- Avec la paille et le temps se mûrissent les nèfles et les glands. Straw and time ripen medlars and acorns.
- La patience vient à bout de tout. Patience conquers all.
- Patience et longeur de temps font plus que force ni que rage. Patience and time are more important than strength and rage.
- Qui n'a patience n'a rien. Who has no patience has nothing.
- Mit Geduld und Spucke fängt man eine Mucke. With patience and spit you catch a mosquito.
- Zeit bringt Rosen. Time brings roses.
- Mit Harren und Hoffen hat's mancher getroffen. Some have met it with waiting and hoping.
- Geduld überwindet alles. Patience overcomes everything.
- Geduld und Fleiß bricht alles Eis. Patience and diligence breaks all ice.
- Stärke wächst im Geduldgarten. Strength grows in the patience garden.
- Mit Geduld und Zeit wird's Maulbeerblatt zum Atlaskleid. With patience and time, the mulberry leaf becomes an atlas dress.
- Dočkej času jako husa klasu. Bide your time like a goose on a cob.
- Trpělivost růže přináší. Patience brings roses.
- Trpělivost je klíčem k úspěchu. Patience is the key to success.
- Kdo setrvá, i zlé přetrvá. He who endures, even the evil will endure.
- Trpělivost železná vrata probíjí. Patience breaks through iron gates.
- Trpělivost ovoce přináší. Patience bears fruit.
- Trpělivost matka moudrosti. Patience is the mother of wisdom.
- Strpení přináší spasení. Patience brings salvation.