Constant dripping wears away the stone.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- Constant dripping wears the stone.
- The soft drops of rain Pierce the hard marble.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Gutta cavat lapidem... A drop hollows a stone...
- Stillicidii casus lapidem cavat. A droplet's case hollows out the stone.
- Goutte à goutte l'eau creuse la pierre. Drop by drop, the water digs into the stone.
- L'assiduité vient à bout de tout. Diligence conquers all.
- Le grand travail surmonte tout. Great work conquers all.
- Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein. Constant dripping wears the stone.
- Častá krůpěj i kámen prorazí. A frequent drop and a stone will break through.
- Ustavičná práce všecko přemůže. Steady work conquers all.