As the pay, so the work.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
- Vile donum vilis gratia. A cheap gift and a cheap grace.
- Tant tenu, tant payé. So much held, so much paid.
- On n'a jamais mauvais marché de bonne denrée. There's never a bad market for a good commodity.
- Chose rarement vue est plus chère tenue. A thing rarely seen is more expensive held.
- A bon vin, bon latin. Good wine, good Latin.
- Tel denier, tel loyer. Like denarius, like rent.
- Wie der Preis, so die Ware. As the price, so the goods.
- Za to věc stojí, zač se prodati může. For this thing is worth, that it may be sold.
- Jaká plena, taková jí cena. Like the diaper, like the price.
- Laciné maso, řídká polévka. Cheap meat, thin soup.
- Z tučného masa tučná polévka. Fatty meat makes fatty soup.