Cheap and nasty.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
Good cheap is dear.
Similar proverbs in another language
Le bon marché coûte cher.
Cheap is expensive.
Le bon marché ruine.
Cheapness ruins.
Billig und gut sind selten beisammen.
Cheap and good rarely go together.
Billig Gut ist nie gut.
Cheap good is never good.
Billig stinkt, teuer blinkt.
Cheap stinks, expensive blinks.
Laciné dvakrát placené.
Cheap twice-paid.
Za nastojte koupíš, a hořem zaplatíš.
Thou shalt buy with a price, and with fire shalt thou pay.
Laciné maso ani psi nejedí.
Even dogs don't eat cheap meat.
Laciné koupi se neraduj.
Don't rejoice in a cheap purchase.