There is no fool like an old fool.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
No fool like an old fool.
To woo is a pleasure in a young man, a fault in an old.
- Old muck-hills will bloom.
Similar proverbs in another language
Luxuriosus adolescens peccat, senex luxuriosus insanit.
A lustful young man sins, a lustful old man goes mad.
L'amour sied bien aux jeunes gens et déshonore les vieillards.
Love suits the young and disgraces the old.
Plus l'amour vient tard, plus il ard.
The later love comes, the more it ard.
Vieux bois prend vite feu.
Old wood catches fire quickly.
Wenn alte Scheuern brennen, hilft kein Löschen.
When old rubbings burn, no extinguishing will help.
Láska kvete v každém věku.
Love blossoms at any age.
Starého pně více se oheň chytá než mladého.
The old stump is caught by fire more than the young.
V staré peci ďábel topí.
The devil is drowning in the old furnace.