Age is a heavy burden.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
An old man is a bed full of bones.
Old age is sickness of itself.
Grey hairs are death's blossoms.
Old age is a malady of which one dies.
Similar proverbs in another language
Senectus ipsa est morbus.
Old age itself is a disease.
Senectus insanabilis morbus est.
Old age is an incurable disease.
Multa senem circumveniunt incommoda.
Many disadvantages surround old age.
Sed morte magis metuenda senectus.
But old age is more to be feared than death.
Longaeva vita mille parit molestias.
A long life gives birth to a thousand troubles.
Qui voit ses veines, voit ses peines.
Who sees his veins, sees his sorrows.
La vieillesse est un pesant fardeau.
Old age is a heavy burden.
Vieillesse, tristesse.
Old age, sadness.
Alter ist ein schweres Malter.
Age is a heavy mark.
Staroba — choroba.
Old age is a disease.
Starost není radost — krásné dni ty tam.
Worry is not joy - beautiful days you there.
Šediny — hrobové květiny.
Gray flowers - grave flowers.
Starost — žalost.
Age - sadness.
Na starost samá nemoc.
It's all sickness.