There is a remedy for all things but death.
Meaning and origin
This proverb means that no matter how difficult or hopeless a situation may seem, there is always a solution or way to improve it, except for death which is inevitable and cannot be avoided.
Proverbs on a similar topic
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
Nothing is certain but death and taxes.
- The cure for old age is the grave.
- There's no remedy for death.
Similar proverbs in another language
Contra vim mortis, non est medicamen in hortis.
Against the force of death, there is no medicine in the garden.
Contre la mort, point de remède.
There's no cure for death.
Au bout du fossé, la culbute.
At the end of the ditch, the tumble.
Contre la mort n'y a point de médecine.
There is no medicine against death.
Il faut finir par un bout.
You have to finish at one end.
Il faut vieillir ou jeune mourir.
Grow old or die young.
La mort frappe tous les êtres.
Death strikes all beings.
La terre couvre tout.
The earth covers everything.
Gegen den Tod ist kein Kraut gewachsen.
There is no cure for death.
Apothekerflaschen geben dem Tode zu naschen.
Pharmacist bottles give to nibble death.
Proti smrti není léku.
There is no cure for death.
Proti smrti radě neroste koření v zahradě.
Against death advice does not grow spices in the garden.
Běž, jak běž, smrti neumkneš.
Go as you go, you can't escape death.