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English proverbs
Promises are like pie-crusts, made to be broken.
Promises are like pie-crusts, made to be broken.
Proverbs on a similar topic
Easier said than done.
A bargain is a bargain.
No sooner said than done.
An honest man's word is as good as his bond.
Saying and doing are two things.
To promise and give nothing, is comfort to a fool.
He that promises too much, means nothing.
Between promising and performing a man may marry his daughter.
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Similar proverbs in the same language
To promise is one thing and to keep is another.
Similar proverbs in another language
Pollicitis dives quilibet esse potest.
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Anyone can be an inch rich.
Promettre et tenir sont deux.
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Promising and keeping are two different things.
Versprechen und halten ist zweierlei.
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Promising and keeping are two different things.
Kdo sliby živ, zbohatne-li, bude div.
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He that liveth on promises, if he be rich, shall be a wonder.
Holé sliby kapsu nenaplní.
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Bare promises will not fill the pocket.