No sooner said than done.
Dictum et factum.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- Easier said than done.
- A bargain is a bargain.
- An honest man's word is as good as his bond.
- Saying and doing are two things.
- To promise and give nothing, is comfort to a fool.
- Promises are like pie-crusts, made to be broken.
- He that promises too much, means nothing.
- Between promising and performing a man may marry his daughter.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- So said so done.
- Words bind men.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Dictum et factum. Said and done.
- Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait. No sooner said than done.
- Un homme d'honneur n'a qu'une parole. A man of honor has only one word.
- Ein Mann, ein Wort. One man, one word.
- Gesagt, getan. No sooner said than done.
- Slovo je slovo. A word is a word.
- Řečeno a uděláno. Said and done.
- Slovo dělá muže. The word makes the man.
- Muž — slovo. Man - the word.
- Dobrý dí, dobrý splní. Good work, good meet.
- Slíbiti jest pansky, držeti chlapsky. To promise is manly, to keep is manly.