Nobody is perfect.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
Every man has his faults.
He is lifeless that is faultless.
The best cloth may have a moth in it.
No land without stones or meat without bones.
- No day so clear but has dark clouds.
Similar proverbs in another language
Nemo sine vitiis nascitur.
No one is born without defects.
Unicuique dedit vitium natura creato.
To each one he gave a defect created by nature.
Il n'y a rien de parfait sur la terre.
There's nothing perfect on earth.
Chacun a son faible.
Everyone has their weakness.
Nul d'entre nous n'est parfait.
None of us is perfect.
Le bon vin ne peut être sans lie.
Good wine cannot be without lees.
Il n'est si bon sage qui ne faille.
There is no wise man who is not wise.
Le vice est naturel.
Vice is natural.
Niemand ist ohne Fehl.
No one is without fault.
Es ist nichts so schön, es hat seine Flecken.
Nothing is so beautiful, it has its spots.
Bez chyby nikdo není.
No one is without fault.
Nikdo není bez „ale”.
No one is without a "but".