Look not for musk in a dog's kennel.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- No man can serve two masters.
- If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
- You cannot eat your cake and have it.
- To carry coals to Newcastle.
- He that is born a fool is never cured.
- You cannot make a silk purse of a sow's ear.
- If the young man would and the old man could, there would be nothing undone.
- You cannot flay the same ox twice.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
In scirpo nodum quaeris.
You are looking for a knot in the rope.
Mulgere hircum.
Milking a goat.
Faire de la bouillie pour les chats.
Making porridge for cats.
Ce qui ne fut jamais ni ne sera, c'est le nid d'une souris dans l'oreille d'un chat.
What never was or will be is a mouse's nest in a cat's ear.
C'est prêcher dans le désert.
It's like preaching in the desert.
Demander de la laine à un âne.
Ask a donkey for wool.
Ce sont balles perdues.
These are lost bullets.
Vom Esel kann man nicht Wolle fordern.
You cannot demand wool from the donkey.
Kaž vlku orati, sytému sedláku se postiti.
Every wolf shall plough, and every farmer shall fast.
Chtít od jalové krávy tele.
Asking a calf from a lame cow.
Nehledej fíky na trní.
Don't look for figs on thorns.
Chtít od býka mléko.
Asking the bull for milk.