If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- No man can serve two masters.
- You cannot eat your cake and have it.
- To carry coals to Newcastle.
- He that is born a fool is never cured.
- You cannot make a silk purse of a sow's ear.
- Look not for musk in a dog's kennel.
- If the young man would and the old man could, there would be nothing undone.
- You cannot flay the same ox twice.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
If my aunt had been a man, she would have been my uncle.
- Wishes can never fill the sack.
Similar proverbs in another language
Si le ciel tombait, il y aurait bien des alouettes prises.
If the sky fell, there'd be plenty of larks caught.
Si le ciel tombait, il y aurait bien des alouettes de prises.
If the sky fell, there would be plenty of larks to catch.
Wenn das Wörtchen Wenn nicht wär, wär mein Vater Millionär.
If it weren't for the word if, my father would be a millionaire.
Wenn das Wenn nicht wär, wär mancher Bettler ein reicher Herr.
If it weren't for the if, many a beggar would be a rich gentleman.
Kdyby nebylo kdyby, nebyly by chyby.
If there were no ifs, there would be no mistakes.
Kdyby byly v prdeli ryby, nebyly by rybníky.
If there were fish up the ass, there would be no ponds.
Kdyby měla paní teta vousy, byla by panem strýcem.
If my aunt had a beard, she would be Mr. Uncle.
Kdyby pes nesral, dál by doběhl.
If the dog hadn't shit, he would have kept running.