Hear and see and say nothing.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue.
Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.
Similar proverbs in another language
Cornu bos capitur, voce ligatur homo.
An ox is taken by the horn, a man is bound by the voice.
On lie les boeufs par les cornes et les hommes par les paroles.
We bind oxen by their horns and men by their words.
On prend les bêtes par les cornes et les hommes par les paroles.
We take beasts by the horns and men by the words.
Den Mann nimmt man beim Wort, den Ochsen bei den Hörnern.
You take the man at his word, the ox by the horns.
Vola za rohy, člověka za jazyk lapají.
They call by the horns, they take a man by the tongue.
Řeč na váze měř, málo komu věř.
Speech in the balance, trust few.
Hubu zapni, oči napni.
Shut your mouth, strain your eyes.
Rychlý buď k slyšení, ale zpozdilý k mluvení.
Be quick to hear but late to speak.
Jazyk nechávej doma, a venku uši.
Keep your tongue inside and your ears outside.
Ústa zavírej, oči otvírej.
Close your mouth, open your eyes.