He whose belly is full believes not him who is fasting.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
It is ill speaking between a full man and a fasting.
Similar proverbs in another language
Ignorat plenus, quam vitam ducat egenus.
He who is full does not know what life the needy should lead.
Nulla fides inopi.
No faith in the poor.
Nequit scire satur, ieiunus quid patiatur.
He who is full cannot know what he suffers when he is fasting.
Qui a du pain nargue le chagrin.
He who has bread mocks grief.
Der Satte versteht den Hungrigen nicht.
The sated man does not understand the hungry man.
Sytý hladovému nevěří.
The full does not trust the hungry.
Sytý lačnému nevěří.
The full does not trust the hungry.
Sytý lačnému nerozumí.
The full does not understand the hungry.
Sytý hladovému nerozumí.
The full does not understand the hungry.