Beat the dog before the lion.
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Sapienti sat dictum.
Enough is said to the wise.
A bon entendeur, salut!
A bon entendeur, salut!
Qui ne peut frapper l'âne frappe le bât.
If you can't hit the donkey, you hit the stick.
Battre le chien devant le lion.
Beat the dog in front of the lion.
Die Tochter tadelt man, und die Schur meint man.
The daughter is blamed, and the shearing is meant.
Den Hund vorm Löwen schlagen.
Beat the dog before the lion.
Vám zpívají, a na nás nota padá.
They sing to you, and the note falls on us.
Boj se, lvíku, kdy psa bijí.
Fear, lion, when they beat the dog.
Kočku bijí, a nevěstu míní.
They beat the cat, and the bride they kill.
Matka dceru kárá, řeč na nevěstu padá.
The mother scolds her daughter, the bride is scolded.