He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- There is no smoke without fire
- A small leak will Sink a great ship.
- You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
- A cat in gloves catches no mice.
- The pitcher goes so often to the well, that it is broken at last.
- He that touches pitch shall be defiled.
- He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.
- Of a small spark a great fire.
- He that steals honey should beware of the Sting.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- He that strikes with the sword shall be stricken with the scabbard. All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
- He that strikes with the sword shall be stricken with the scabbard.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Converte gladium tuum in locum suum: omnes enim qui acceperint gladium, gladio peribunt. Return your sword to its place: for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.
- Qui gladio ferit, gladio perit. That sword strikes, the sword dies.
- Tous ceux qui prendront l'épée périront par l'épée. All those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.
- Quiconque se sert de l'épée périra par l'épée. Whoever uses the sword will perish by the sword.
- Qui frappe de l'épée périra par l'épée. He who strikes with the sword will perish by the sword.
- Qui frappera du couteau mourra de la gaine. He who strikes with the knife will die from the sheath.
- Qui mal veut mal lui tourne. He who ill wills ill turns him.
- Wer das Schwert nimmt, der soll durch Schwert umkommen. He who takes the sword shall perish by the sword.
- S čím kdo zachází, tím také schází.
- Kdož se s mečem rád obchodí, ten od meče často schodí. He that loveth to deal with the sword often departeth from the sword.