Every flow has its ebb.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- From bad to worse.
- Our day will come.
- One man's meat is another man's poison.
- It never rains but it pours.
- A drowning man will catch at a straw.
- Fortune is blind.
- Even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.
- It is not work that kills but worry.
- Misfortunes never come alone.
- Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
- While the grass grows, the horse starves.
- He dances well to whom fortune pipes.
- An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup.
- Bread never falls but on its buttered side.
- Whom God loves, his bitch brings forth pigs.
- Into the mouth of a bad dog often falls a good bone.
- Rust eats up iron.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- He that loses is merchant as well as he that gains.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Levis est Fortuna, cito reposcit, quod dedit. Fortune is light, she quickly restores what she has given.
- Fortuna tantum constans in levitate sua est. Fortune is only constant in its lightness.
- N'est pas marchand qui toujours gagne. It's not the merchant who always wins.
- Il y a dans la vie des hauts et des bas. Life has its ups and downs.
- En ce monde fortune et infortune abonde. In this world fortune and misfortune abound.
- Les biens de fortune passent comme la lune. Wealth passes like the moon.
- La fortune change de face. Fortune changes face.
- La fortune a des retours. Fortune has a way of returning.
- Glück und Glas, wie leicht bricht das. Happiness and glass, how easily it breaks.
- Gewinn und Verlust wohnen in einem Hause. Profit and loss live in the same house.
- Das Glück ist kleinlich das Unglück nicht. Happiness is petty, misfortune is not.
- Gewinn und Verlieren ist Kaufmanns Fuhr. Winning and losing is Kaufmann's business.
- Das Glück ist kleinlich. Happiness is petty.
- Kdo bývá na koni, bývá i pod koněm. He who is on the horse is also under the horse.
- Štěstí je vrtkavé. Luck is fickle.
- Štěstí a neštěstí sousedy sobě jsou. Happiness and unhappiness are neighbours.
- Lidské věci se v kole točí. Human things go round and round.
- Kolo se dokola točí. The wheel goes round and round.
- Štěstí noclehy mění. Luck changes the nights.