A servant is known by his master's absence.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- Big fish eat little fish.
- The dogs bark but the caravan goes on.
- Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil.
- The darkest place is under the candlestick.
- If you cannot bite never show your teeth.
- Lean liberty is better than fat slavery.
- Better die with honour than live with shame.
- Might goes before right.
- Whether the pitcher strikes the stone or the stone strikes the pitcher, it is bad for the pitcher.
- There is no arguing with a large fist.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
Murilego mures fiunt absente rebelles.
Murilego mice become rebellious in their absence.
Sceptra gerunt mures, ubi cattum non habet aedes.
Mice carry scepters where cats have no home.
Mus debaccatur, ubi catus non dominatur.
The mouse is defeated, where the cat does not dominate.
Quo non versantur catti, mures dominantur.
Where the cats are not involved, the mice dominate.
Dum vult dormire catus, vult mus resilire.
While the cat wants to sleep, the mouse wants to bounce.
Le chat parti, les souris dansent.
With the cat gone, the mice dance.
Absent le chat, les souris dansent.
The cat's away, the mice are dancing.
Voyages de maîtres, noces de valets.
Master journeys, servant weddings.
Katze aus dem Haus, rührt sich die Maus.
Cat out of the house, the mouse stirs.
Wenn die Katze fort ist, tanzen die Mäuse.
When the cat is away, the mice dance.
Když není kocour doma, myši mají pré.
When the cat's not at home, the mice have a premium.
Když lev spí, po hřbetě mu myši a lasice běhají.
When the lion sleeps, mice and weasels run on his back.