Old habits die hard.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- Nature will have its course.
- That which is crooked cannot be made straight.
- As a man lives, so shall he die, as a tree falls, so shall it lie.
- A crow is never the whiter for washing herself often.
- An ape is ne'er so like an ape, as when he wears a doctor's cape.
- The ass loaded with gold Still eats thistles.
- What good can it do an ass to be called a lion?
- The cask savours of the first fill.
- Bring a cow to the hall and she will run to the byre.
- A kite will never be a good hawk.
- Send a fool to France, and a fool he'll come back.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
Custom has the force of law.
Habit is a second nature.
Custom is a second nature.
Custom makes all things easy.
Habits are at first cobwebs, at last cables.
Similar proverbs in another language
Consuetudo quasi altera natura.
Habit as second nature.
Consuetudo altera natura est.
The habit is second nature.
Consuetudo altera natura.
Habit is second nature.
Gravissimum est imperium consuetudinis.
The most important thing is the control of the custom.
Consuetudo quasi altera natura est.
The habit is like second nature.
Usus est tyrannus.
Use is a tyrant.
Quidquid homo suescit, leviter dimittere nescit.
Whatever a man feels, he does not know how to let go lightly.
L'habitude est une seconde nature.
Habit is second nature.
Coutume est une autre nature.
Custom is another matter.
Der Mensch ist ein Gewohnheitstier.
Man is a creature of habit.
Disteln sind dem Esel lieber als Rosen.
Thistles are dearer to the donkey than roses.
Gewohnheit ist die andere Natur.
Habit is the other nature.
Gewohnheit ist König über den Verstand.
Habit is king over reason.
Sitte ist stärker als Recht.
Custom is stronger than law.
Zvyk je železná košile.
Habit is an iron shirt.
Zvyk má železnou košili.
Habit has an iron shirt.
Zvyk jest druhé přirození.
Habit is the second nature.
Obyčej jest druhé přirození.
The ordinary is the second nature.
Žába nepůjde od močidla.
The frog won't come out of the swamp.
Žába močidlu přivykla.
The frog is used to the swamp.