It is too late to call back yesterday.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- There is a time for all things.
- First come, first served.
- Better late than never.
- Time is money.
- All in good time.
- Now is now and then was then.
- Strike while the iron is hot.
- Time and tide wait for no man.
- Christmas comes but once a year.
- Let bygones be bygones.
- After death the doctor.
- It is easy to be Wise after the event.
- It is no use crying over spilt milk.
- What is done cannot be undone.
- Time is the best healer.
- After a storm comes a calm.
- Every day is not Sunday.
- It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.
- A wonder lasts but nine days.
- Marry your son when you Will, your daughter when you can.
- Times change and we with them.
- Must I tell you a tale and find your ears too?
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
After meat, mustard.
Similar proverbs in another language
Post festum venire.
To come after the festival.
Cena comessa venire.
Supper was ordered to come.
Venir après la fête.
Come after the party.
Quand on perd son avril, en octobre on s'en plaint.
When you lose your April, in October you complain.
Adieu, paniers, les vendanges sont faites.
Farewell, baskets, the harvest is done.
Deviner les fêtes quand elles sont venues.
Guess the holidays when they come.
Après le dîner, la moutarde.
After dinner, mustard.
Etre averti après coup.
Be warned after the fact.
Zu spät ist zu spät.
Too late is too late.
Senf nach der Mahlzeit.
Mustard after the meal.
Wenn der Regen vorbei ist, nimmst du den Mantel um.
When the rain is over, you put on the coat.
Die Spritzen kommen oft, wenn das Haus schon abgebrannt ist.
The syringes often come when the house has already burned down.
Přijít s křížkem po funuse.
Come with a cross on your face.
Pozdě bycha honiti.
Too late to chase the bull.
Přijít s omáčkou po mase.
Come up with a sauce after the meat.
Bycha za ušima hledati.
I'd be looking behind my ears.
Po času přišel.
After a time he came.
Po mši přijíti.
Come after Mass.
Snědený chléb peče.
Eaten bread bakes.