Time and tide wait for no man.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- There is a time for all things.
- First come, first served.
- Better late than never.
- Time is money.
- All in good time.
- Now is now and then was then.
- Strike while the iron is hot.
- Christmas comes but once a year.
- Let bygones be bygones.
- After death the doctor.
- It is easy to be Wise after the event.
- It is no use crying over spilt milk.
- What is done cannot be undone.
- After a storm comes a calm.
- Time is the best healer.
- Every day is not Sunday.
- It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.
- It is too late to call back yesterday.
- A wonder lasts but nine days.
- Marry your son when you Will, your daughter when you can.
- Times change and we with them.
- Must I tell you a tale and find your ears too?
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
- Hora ruit. The hour is rushing.
- Tempora labuntur more fluentis aquae. The seasons flow like flowing water.
- Cito pede praeterit aetas. The age passes quickly.
- Horam quam perdis, numquam reperis. An hour you lose, you never find.
- Omnia transibunt more fluentis aquae. Everything will pass like flowing water.
- Hier, aujourd'hui, demain sont les trois jours de l'homme. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are man's three days.
- Le temps et la marée n' attendent personne. Time and tide wait for no man.
- Coq chante ou non, viendra le jour. Rooster sings or not, the day will come.
- En peu de temps passe l'heure. It doesn't take long for the hour to pass.
- Quoique fol tarde, jour ne tarde. Though fol tarte, jour ne tarde.
- Die Zeit ist an keinen Pfahl gebunden. Time is not bound to any pole.
- Zeit, Ebbe und Flut warten auf niemand. Time, ebb and flow wait for no one.
- Čas běží jako voda. Time passes like water.
- Čas plyne jako voda. Time passes like water.
- Čas utíká jako voda. Time passes like water.
- Čas na nikoho nečeká. Time waits for no one.
- Čas nečeká. Time doesn't wait.
- Čas, smrt a žena nečekají. Time, death, and women don't wait.
- Čas rychle uchází. Time passes quickly.