Give a dog an ill name and hang him.
Proverbs on a similar topic
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It is an easy thing to find a stick to beat a dog.
Similar proverbs in another language
Qui iugulare canem vult, invenit cito causam.
He who wants to strangle a dog quickly finds a reason.
Canem quem odi, insimulo rabiei.
The dog that I hate, pretends to be mad.
Qui veut noyer son chien l' accuse de la rage.
If you want to drown your dog, accuse it of rabies.
Qui veut frapper un chien, facilement trouve un bâton.
If you want to hit a dog, it's easy to find a stick.
Occasion trouve qui son chat veut battre.
Occasion finds out who her cat wants to beat.
Soll der Hund Schläge haben, so findet sich bald ein Stock.
If the dog is to have strokes, a stick will soon be found.
Man findet bald einen Stock, wenn man einen Hund schlagen will.
You soon find a stick when you want to beat a dog.
Der Knüppel liegt beim Hunde.
The stick is with the dog.
Wenn man einem Hunde Übel will, macht man ihn toll.
If you want to make a dog bad, you make it great.
Kdo chce psa bít, hůl si vždycky najde.
Whoever wants to beat a dog will always find a stick.
Snadno hůl najíti, kdo chce psa bíti.
It is easy to find a rod for one who would beat a dog.
Kdo chce bíti chudinu, snadno najde příčinu.
Whoever wants to beat the poor will easily find the cause.