Actions speak louder than words.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
The workman is known by his work.
Similar proverbs in another language
Artificem commendat opus.
The artist recommends the work.
Opus artificem probat.
The work proves the artist.
Opus opificem probat.
The work proves the worker.
Opus laudet artificem.
The work praises the artist.
A l'oeuvre on connaît l'artisan.
We know the craftsman at work.
Am Werke erkennt man den Meister.
The master is recognized by his work.
Krásné dílo mistra chválí.
Beautiful work of the master praises.
Podle díla poznáš mistra.
You can tell the master by the work.
Účinek chválí mistra.
The effect praises the master.