A good name is better than riches.
Proverbs on a similar topic
- Honesty is the best policy.
- One sows and another reaps.
- A good conscience is a soft pillow.
- A fault confessed is half redressed.
- Much shall have more.
- Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.
- The sun shines everywhere.
- One beats the bush, and another catches the birds.
- If the Staff be crooked, the shadow cannot be straight.
- One does the scathe, and another has the scorn.
- He that has a goose, will get a goose.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
- Bona opinio hominum tutior pecunia est. A good opinion of people is that money is safer.
- Melius est nomen bonum quam divitae multae. A good name is better than many riches.
- L'honneur vaut mieux que l' argent. Honor is better than money.
- Bonne renomée vaut mieux que ceinture dorée. A good name is better than a golden belt.
- Mieux vaut trésor d'honneur que d'or. Better treasure of honor than gold.
- Bon renom vaut un héritage. A good reputation is worth an inheritance.
- Ehre kannst du nirgends borgen, dafür mußt du selber sorgen. You can't borrow honor from anywhere, you have to take care of it yourself.
- Ehre ist besser als Gold und Silber. Honor is better than gold and silver.
- Besser gutlos als ehrlos. Better gutless than dishonorable.
- Dobré jméno — nejlepší dědictví. A good name - the best inheritance.
- Dobré jméno nad bohatství. Good name over wealth.
- Čest nad bohatství. Honor over wealth.