No man is infallible.
Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in the same language
- No man is Wise at all times.
- Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.
- Even Homer sometimes nods.
- Every light has its shadow.
- Great men have great faults.
- Homer sometimes nods.
- No hair so small but has his shadow.
- He is good that failed never.
Similar proverbs in another language
- Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus. And sometimes the good Homer sleeps.
- Quis modo perfectus? Vivit sine crimine nullus. Who is just perfect? No one lives without guilt.
- Il n'y a si bon charretier qui ne verse. There's no good carter who doesn't pour.
- Il n'est si sage qui ne faille. No one is so wise as he should be.
- Nul n'est infaillible. No one is infallible.
- Bons nageurs sont à la fin noyés. Good swimmers end up drowned.
- Un cheveu même a son ombre. Even a hair has its shadow.
- A bon pêcheur souvent anguille échappe. A good fisherman often misses an eel.
- Tout homme peut faillir. Any man can fail.
- Nikdo není dokonalý. Nobody's perfect.
- I mistr tesař se utne.
- Nikdo není neomylný. No one is infallible.
- I dobrému kocourovi myš někdy uklouzne. Even a good cat's mouse slips sometimes.
- I největším mistrům umění chybuje. Even the greatest masters of the art make mistakes.