If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
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Si un aveugle en conduit un autre, ils tomberont tous les deux.
If one blind man leads another, they will both fall.
C'est un aveugle qui mène l' autre.
One blind man leads the other.
Es ist gefährlich, wenn der Blinde den Blinden führt.
It is dangerous for the blind to lead the blind.
Der Blinden Leiter und Blinde fallen beide in die Grube.
The blind ladder and blind man both fall into the pit.
Blázen s bláznem chodí, a oba nikam se nehodí.
A fool walks with a fool, and they both don't fit anywhere.
Slepý slepého vodí, a oba zbla nevidí.
The blind lead the blind, and both see nothing.
Slepý slepého vede do jámy.
The blind leading the blind into the pit.