Every man as he loves, quoth the good man when he kissed his cow.
Related proverbs
Similar proverbs in another language
- Non omnes eadem mirantur amantque. Not everyone wonders and loves the same things.
- Tous les goûts sont dans la nature. All tastes are catered for.
- Chacun prend son bien où il le trouve. Everyone takes their property where they find it.
- Les volontés sont libres. Wishes are free.
- Někdo má rád vdolky, jiný zase holky. Some people like muffins, others like girls.
- Někdo vdolky, jiný holky. Some people have muffins, some people have girls.
- Jeden má rád vdolky, druhý zase holky. One likes muffins, the other likes girls.
- Jak se komu líbí —jednomu trnky, druhému slívy. As one likes - one likes thorns, the other plums.
- Jeden má rád Kačeny, druhý zase Mařeny. One likes Ducks, the other likes Marens.
- Jednomu se líbí matka, druhému zas Katka. One likes his mother, the other likes Kate.
- Jeden vdolky, druhý holky. One's muffins, one's girls.